For the Province of Ontario
Возлюбім один одного, щоб однодумно визнавати: Отця, і Сина, і Святого Духа, Тройцю
єдиносущну і нероздільну.
Let us love one another, so that we may be of one mind in confessing: the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit, one in being and undivided.
This checklist is based on the “Summary Sheet” found in the Worshipsafe document issued by Ontario
Dioceses and Eparchies on June 1, 2020 (See attached Toronto Eparchy version, pp. 26-29) and adapted
for use by the Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada. As you proceed in the re-opening you may need
to refer to the Worshipsafe document for more details on the individual points in this checklist. The
guidelines are intended to be applied as “best practices” for our Church and for the safety of our
parishioners. While implementing these directives provides no guarantee that viruses such as the
Coronavirus COVID-19 will not be contracted, they are the best and most practical measures presently
available to protect the safety of our faithful and clergy.
The limits on the number of persons attending according to government regulation must be
strictly adhered to (up to 30% capacity, if physical distancing can be maintained).
The faithful may come to church but are not obligated to do so.
Those who have Coronavirus related symptoms:
1) a fever above 37.5 C,
2) breathing problems,
3) coughing and
4) those who have traveled outside the country in the last 14 days,
5) those who have had contact with a person with Coronavirus,
6) those who have had contact with a person who traveled internationally and has a breathing
problem - or all of the above should stay home.
- Parishioners should be advised to maintain physical distancing requirements of 2 m. in
the process of entering the church. This means arriving at church early.
- There will be a separate entrance and exit to the church.
- Parishioners must be informed that wearing a mask upon entering
the church is mandatory from July 6 and constantly cover their faces
during their stay in the temple. Parishioners can uncover the face
(lower the mask) only when coming to receive Holy Communion.
Pay attention to the by-law’s exceptions, which include people who cannot
wear a mask for medical reasons (trouble breathing or unable to remove
a mask without assistance) and children under two years old.
Proof of a medical condition is not required.
- Please bring your own mask.
- Parishioners should be provided the COVID-19 questionnaire to fill out at home, to be
collected upon their entry for any services. One questionnaire per household will be
- Should someone not comply or be unable to assure that they are symptom free, they must
be respectfully directed to not enter the church and return home.
- Pastors may request that the ushers use a non-contact thermometer to check the
temperature of those who enter.
- All collected questionnaires shall be kept along with the list of all clergy and assisting
personnel in attendance for a given service. These will remain part of the parish
records until such time as the Eparchial chancery indicates that they can be
- The best procedure for the lighting of votive candles. This may mean that an usher is
designated to light the number of candles requested by attendees. It is recommended that
donations for the lighting of candles be made by attendees in the collection basket placed
near the candleholders. To limit movement during the service, no lighting of candles shall
take place during the service.
- There shall be no materials (prayerbooks, song sheets, etc.) in the pews and no
bulletin shall be distributed in church. Parishioners bring their own prayerbooks to
church and take them with them when they are leaving.
- Washrooms shall be accessible, however if they are in the church basement access to the
rest of the basement area shall be blocked off.
- Attendees shall limit their movement. Special attention must be given to limit the
movement of children.
- Pew seating should be organized to maintain adequate physical distancing from
individuals passing in the aisles.
- Household members can sit together, but they must maintain a 2 m. distance from
members of other households.
- Cantors shall be located in an area which guarantees a physical distance of 3 m. from
other persons, including fellow cantors.
- Communion shall be distributed using individual stainless steel spoons for each
recipient. The spoons must be carefully purified after the service and then sanitized.
- In the case of the Sacrament of Reconciliation the following must be taken into
- Given the need to limit movement during services, it is recommended that separate times
be established for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
- It is essential that physical distancing requirements be maintained and for this reason a
larger space should be used rather than a confessional.
- Both priest and penitent shall wear a mask.
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation may be celebrated outside the church building as long
as confidentiality is guaranteed.
Thank you for your kind cooperation and understanding!